Who’s cutting the cheese in Watonga, Ada Potata, Moore or Less, Pearl Jama and on. It’s a long list of Zooisms. Greg Zoobeck has been around since the Katt’s “first life”. The year might be somewhat a mystery but judging from some pics, it’s the early 1980’s. Remember “Rock Street”? The local video music show hosted by Zoobeck that aired on KAUT 43 for a couple years. When short form video became popular, this cat was wearing his white hat and jeans giving MTV VJ’s a run for their money. Even though no tapes exist of any of the shows today, Zoo did share a pic of a prop from the set. The intersection of KATT ST, Rock St and KAUT ST.
Zoo will tell you the 80’s were great. Live from the Samurai Saki house every Wednesday night for the greater part of the 80’s and 90’s. It was a partay partay everyday. Times have changed but the voice is the same. Happy hump day to ya! Are you hunnnnggggrrraaaayyyyyy?. It’s good times and great memories with Greg Zoobeck. If the guy wrote a book, he’d tell you Joe Perry used to send him a Christmas card every year and that Joe loved his 501 Blues Show. That’s what he’d tell you under oath. But get enough Crown in him, he might offer up some more great stories of rock excess from rubbing elbows with the greats during those decades. Zoo is the longest tenured personality of the KATT and can still be heard week days from 10am to 3pm on Rock 100.5 the KATT in Oklahoma Citaaaaayyyyyyyy!! Mama, What you wearing? For more on the Katt’s Midday Zoo go HERE.