Category Archives: Rick & Brad’s Daily Rundown

Monday’s Rundown – June 22nd

Monday’s Rundown – June 22nd

“Jurassic World” Can’t Be Stopped . . . Even By Pixar The Disney / Pixar movie “Inside Out” made $91 million in its opening weekend, but that wasn’t enough to stop the JUGGERNAUT that is “Jurassic World” . . . which ruled the box office with another $102 million. That’s the second-highest SECOND weekend in…MORE

Brian Williams’ First Interview Since Suspension

Brian Williams’ Interview with Matt Lauer on Today Show   On Friday, former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams gave his first interview since his suspension in February to Matt Lauer on NBC’s Today Show. Check out what Brian had to say:MORE

Wednesday’s Rundown – June 17th

Wednesday’s Rundown – June 17th

Donald Trump is Running for President And so it begins . . . After THREATENING to do it in the last few elections, DONALD TRUMP finally pulled the trigger yesterday and announced he’s running for president.  His slogan?  “Make America Great Again”. Not surprisingly, he said a lot of STUPID, INSANE things that HE thought…MORE

Tuesday’s Rundown – June 16th

Tuesday’s Rundown – June 16th

You’ve Been Eating Spaghetti Wrong Your Whole Life There are a lot of different techniques for eating spaghetti.  Do you shovel it in with a fork?  Slurp up whatever strands are hanging down?  Cut it up first?  Twirl it against a spoon?  Eat it with your hands like a child? Maybe we’ve all been eating…MORE

Monday’s Rundown – June 15th

Monday’s Rundown – June 15th

Dave Grohl Fell Off a Stage, Broke His Leg . . . and Still Finished a Concert Thank you Gothenburg. That was amazing. — Foo Fighters (@foofighters) June 12, 2015 The FOO FIGHTERS were performing at a music festival in Sweden on Friday night, when DAVE GROHL tripped and fell off the stage.  It…MORE

Friday’s Rundown – June 12th

Friday’s Rundown – June 12th

18% of Couples Now Sleep in Separate Beds: There’s something really comfortable about sleeping in your own bed.  But that isn’t supposed to be better than the intimacy of SHARING a bed with your husband or wife. Then again, spreading out IS really nice . . . A new survey found 18% of American couples…MORE

Thursday’s Rundown – June 11th

Thursday’s Rundown – June 11th

Some Idiot Put Fire Ants in His Underwear and Immediately Regretted It: There’s guy in Thailand who’s clearly seen too many episodes of “Jackass”.  He thought it would be fun to strip down and fill the front of his underwear with FIRE ANTS.  And you can tell he regretted it immediately. He ends up completely…MORE

Wednesday’s Rundown – June 10th

Wednesday’s Rundown – June 10th

Cop’s Pool Party Barrel Roll Mashed Up With A Beastie Boys Soundtrack: Is Your Garage Too Cluttered to Fit Your Car?: We’re basically a country full of HOARDERS . . . and the epidemic is way worse than you think. A new survey found one in FOUR garages in this country are so jammed full…MORE

Tuesday’s Rundown – June 9th

Tuesday’s Rundown – June 9th

A Trashy Brawl At Walmart Breaks Out: The footage was uploaded to YouTube a few days ago, but is recently getting tons of traction online. It’s unclear what sparked the confrontation, but it gets ugly real quick. Horrifically, one of the woman’s kids gets involved. There are two parts to this video. See for yourself:…MORE
