Thursday’s Rundown – June 25th

Author/TV Show Host Brad Meltzer Chatted…



(Photo credit/Twitter)

We go way back with Brad Meltzer. He’s been on the show a gazillion times (that’s a thing, right?). Anyhow… You may know him from hosting the show “Brad Meltzer’s Decoded” on History channel for several seasons. He’s also written a ton of books. Even his fiction books have shreds of history and real truths about history sprinkled inside them. They’re all great thrillers. Most recently, his new book, “The Presiden’s Shadow” is on store shelves. Pick it up wherever you buy books. OR, just click HERE.

president-shadow(Photo Credit)

To hear the full interview with Brad Melter, here’s the podcast…


“Fo’ Shizzle” and “Hot Mess” Were Just Added to the Oxford English Dictionary

The English language is evolving . . . but not in a cool way like humans evolved opposable thumbs and powerful genitalia.  English seems to be evolving for the WORSE.
The Oxford English Dictionary just announced some new additions, which more or less legitimizes them as real English words.  Check ’em out…
Autotune.  “To alter or correct the pitch of a musical or vocal performance using an auto-tune device, software, etc.”
Fo’ shizzle.  “In the language of rap and hip-hop, this means ‘for sure.'”
Half-ass.  “To perform an action or task poorly or incompetently;  to do something in a half-hearted manner.”
Hot mess.  “Something or someone in extreme confusion or disorder.” Masshole.  “Term of contempt for a native or inhabitant of the state of Massachusetts.”
Sext.  “A sexually explicit or suggestive message or image sent electronically, typically using a mobile phone.”
Stanky.  “Having a strong, usually unpleasant, smell.” (Time)



The Singer and Guitarist for Mastodon Hates Heavy Metal?
BRENT HINDS sings and plays guitar for MASTODON.  But he also has a secret:  He HATES HEAVY METAL.  He tells “Guitar Player” magazine, quote, “I came from Alabama playing country music, surf rock, rockabilly, and stuff like that.
“I just went through a phase in my 20s where I thought it was rebellious to play heavy metal.  And then I met [drummer Brann Dailor and guitarist Bill Kelliher], and they were really, really, really into heavy metal.
“And ever since then, I’ve been trying to get Mastodon to not be such a heavy metal band, because I [effing] hate heavy metal, and I don’t want to be in a heavy metal band.”


Four Awful Things We’d Rather Do Than Ask For a Raise
According to a new survey, 89% of people think they deserve a RAISE.  Whether they’ve got the cajones to ask for one is another story.
Only 54% of people say they plan on asking for a raise before the end of the year.  And apparently it’s because they HATE the process.
32% would rather clean their house than ask for more money.
13% would rather look for a new job.
7% would rather get a root canal.
And 6% would rather by audited by the IRS.
The survey also found that 19% of people would start looking for a new job if they asked for a raise, but didn’t get one. (PR Newswire)